This is another great idea for a small school with limited resources of capital, space and man power. We provide a computer leasing program. This service is available to a school using the Computerwisekids curriculum service (Three Year Contract for lease and Program Service required). This system allows the school to se the laptops in computer_brandsthe regular classroom when the computer instructor is not on campus. The laptops are stored at the school campus. On the day of the class, our instructor will setup and dismantle the Computer lab. The room can be used for music, drama or any other discipline the next day. With wireless capability, this is a very powerful tool in the classroom. The students benefit from a winning computer curriculum and reliable computers. The school benefits from an INSTANT computer lab without any major capital expense on hardware or software.
The Lease cost includes: initial setup, maintenance, trouble shooting and liability insurance for the laptops. This is a very good value for lease.
Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 818-206-2628 for a quote.